Get Lucky With Sunny Snacks
Unwrap - Eat- Win
This March we decided that it was time for a little bit of a change. Sunny
Snacks will be releasing the Get Lucky with Sunny Snacks campaign. Throughout
the month of March, when you buy Sunny Snacks you might just win something!
Check your wrappers for a special QR code with the title of Get Lucky with Sunny
Snacks. After scanning the QR code you may win a special treat! Winners will
receive the new Sunny Snacks mystery product which will be from our new protein
or sunny snacks brittle line. Below shows how it works!
All you have to do to enter is purchase any one of our products from our website and leave your email when prompted!
After you enjoy eating our delicious snacks check the package for the special QR code and scan with your phone!
If your one of the lucky winners then you will be directed to a special portal where you can claim your prize!
Lucky Fact
The month of March is named after Martius or Mars