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November Campaign


In the month of November, our theme will be kindness. November 13th is “World Kindness

Day”, which will be the basis of this months campaign. Throughout the month we plan to do a weekly

Kindness Photo Challenge. Each week, a winner will be selected on Instagram (based on photo quality,

content, and originality) and will win a “Sunny Snack Pack”. Through the November campaign, our

company hopes to accomplish the objectives of increasing brand awareness and promoting a positive

company image. Social media posts and community involvement (from both the company and

customers), will generate word of mouth and customer-engagement within the community, ultimately

resulting in brand recognition and a better community.


November Ad Campaign Theme: Kindness

Overview: Have customers post pictures of themselves with a Sunny Snacks product and tag us

on Instagram. There will be a different photo challenge each week and the people’s photos must

adhere to the weekly mini-themes.



- Have at least one Sunny Snacks product clearly visible in the picture

- The picture must be related to the theme of the week

- Tag us @sunnysnacksve

- Include #WorldKindness in the description


1. Week 1: Thankfulness

a. Take a picture with your Sunny Snacks and something that you are thankful for

b. What Sunny Snacks can do: Post a picture of three employees along with a quote

of what they are thankful for.


2. Week 2: World Kindness Day (November 13)

a. Take a picture promoting kindness with your Sunny Snack.

b. What Sunny Snacks can do: Put posters around the school discussing how to be

considerate/kind to others with food allergies


3. Week 3: Thanksgiving

a. Take a picture with your Sunny Snack and those you are thankful for making a

Thanksgiving themed recipe from our blog

b. What Sunny Snacks can do: Have an internal cookie decorating party


4. Week 4: Giving Tuesday

a. Take a picture volunteering at a local organization with your Sunny Snack. We

are promoting donating your time.

b. What Sunny Snacks can do: Read to underprivileged elementary school students

in aftercare

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