These little spider cookies are frighteningly easy to make, as well as, fun to put together.
In order to make these creepy crawly treats, you will only need a couple of ingredients
and no cooking at all!

1) Sunny Snacks cookies of your choosing
2) Sunny Snacks chocolate cups (one per treat)
3) Two different colored frostings/flavors of
your choosing
4) Edible candy eyes
Once you have all of the ingredients mentioned
above, here is how you assemble the snack:
1) Take your cookie and lightly spread the
frosting on the top side of the cookie.
2) Next, attach two candy eyes towards the top
of the chocolate cup.
3) Place the bottom of the chocolate cup on top
of the spreaded frosting.
4) Lastly, create little legs for the chocolate cups
by using the other colored frosting.
Once you did that last step, you just created yourself
the cutest little batch of spider cookies. Now all you
have to do is have fun and enjoy the snacks.