With the Halloween season here, we wanted to introduce some fun
activities for you try which will get you into the mood for spook season.
Halloween Paper Lanterns
This activity is great because it can be done alone or with friends and family. All you need for these interesting and
appealing pieces of decor are Halloween colored construction paper, a stapler, glue sticks, and scissors. You can create
designs like bats, pumpkins, or ghosts. The sky's the limit for this which make it such a simple and easy afternoon project

* All ideas and credit are given to Jamie from Crafting Chicks*
DIY Halloween Costumes
What makes this activity so great is that the more creative you get the better the costume looks and the more memorable
it is to put together. Store bought costumes are alright but when you create your own costume it draws eyes. For this,
there are no real required materials except for you and your creativity but this is one of the most fun activities that you can have during this time of the year.

*All ideas and credit are given to Jennifer from Country Living*